A new way for climate action

Handpicked charities creating radical change. Pick your causes, see your impact.

  • Built by a nonprofit
  • Zero platform fees

Featured by

Better Giving Studio
Gates Foundation
The i newspaper




How it works

Donations to each cause get aggregated, then granted 100% to high-impact charities. We're a proud nonprofit ourselves and we don't charge commission, nor do we charge the charities.

Selected causes

3 steps to get started

1. Pick your causes

Fancy protecting natural habitats from poaching and deforestation? Or how about providing clean energy and water to climate-vulnerable communities?


2. Set your budget

Make an impact each month by starting a regular donation. Cancel anytime you need, no strings attached.

Piggy bank

3. Register for updates

Want to know what difference you're making? We'll update you each month with developments across your causes, and no spam.

Impact metrics
Tythe community

Join our growing community

Get started

Free credit

We'll start you off with £10 free credit towards your chosen causes so you have a chance to see how Tythe works.

Zero platform fees

We don't charge any admin fee or commission on donations. Your charities receive the full amount minus third party card fees.

Tangible impact updates

We'll keep you engaged with the actions you're supporting, and help you understand the actual difference you're making.