Happy Earth Day!
22nd April 2021
It’s 51 years to the day since the first Earth Day was held. What started as a call for environmental reform by the American public has evolved into what it is today - a loud, worldwide movement made up of millions. Join events online this year - it’s hard not to feel energised (hopeful even), hearing from leaders within environmentalism speak about the mobilisation of global climate action.
A reason to celebrate
Just in time for Earth Day, we received an incredibly generous donation of £65,000! Metage is a company based in London that wanted to give a significant chunk of their annual profits to environmental causes. Considering our infancy, this has been an amazing boost and as you can imagine, we’re pretty chuffed.
The EQ Foundation topped up their donation by £7,000 and the full amount has been split equally between our nine selected charities.
Maryam Valantin from Metage says:
“Metage has been donating a portion of its profits to charities for years but we always felt uneasy about not having the resources to properly research the enormous field of worthy charities before donating. We were looking to donate to a few high impact environmental charities when we came across Tythe. They carry out the arduous research needed to find the slightly lesser-known charities really worth getting behind. We also love that Tythe provides transparency in terms of impact, giving us the opportunity to be more engaged with the charities we contribute to.”
It’s safe to say that each one of our subscribers was instrumental in us receiving this donation. Without you subscribing and sharing with friends, Metage would never have stumbled across Tythe, so thank you!
Does your company care about the environment?
Bolstered by our recent donation, we would love to talk to other companies with an interest in the environment. Does this sound like your company? Think they might be interested in donating too? Get in touch and we'd be happy to have a chat.
Matchy Matchy
In other exciting news, our friends at The Big Give launched a new campaign today - the Green Match Fund. They've teamed up with a number of charitable funders to provide match funds for more than 100 environmental projects. For the next week, while match funds last, any donation you make over there will be doubled.
That’s it for now. Get outside and celebrate Earth Day.