Education & Advocacy

It often feels like we’re waiting for major change to come top down. But don’t underestimate the power of a well informed public - this puts pressure on governments and businesses, and that drives change.

Environmentally-damaging habits are ingrained in modern life. We rely heavily on plastic, we’re addicted to fast fashion and it’s estimated that £13 billion of edible food is thrown away from homes every year. All this has become the norm.

A handful of incredible charities recognise the power of public opinion as well as the danger of a population disengaged with nature. By educating new generations of conservationists, and by challenging the status quo, these organisations are enabling systemic change among the mainstream.

2 Selected Charities

Tythe supports these Education & Advocacy charities, selected by analysts at Giving is Great because of their high impact.

Action for Conservation

Action for Conservation


Action for Conservation (AFC) is a groundbreaking charity dedicated to inspiring and empowering young people to become the next generation of environmental leaders. With the world facing unprecedented ecological challenges, AFC's mission is crucial in cultivating a new wave of passionate conservationists. By engaging youth aged 12-18 from diverse backgrounds, particularly those from underrepresented communities, AFC is bridging the gap between young people and nature conservation. Their work is not just about educating; it's about creating a movement of young environmental advocates who can drive meaningful change in their communities and beyond. In a time when youth voices are increasingly critical in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, AFC's role in nurturing these voices is more important than ever.

How they do it

AFC operates through a range of innovative programs designed to connect young people with nature and equip them with the skills to become effective conservationists. Their flagship WildED Programme brings workshops to secondary schools and youth groups in under-resourced urban areas, educating students about environmental issues and guiding them to design and implement local action projects. AFC's residential summer camps offer transformative experiences in nature, building connections between like-minded peers and providing hands-on conservation activities. The Youth Ambassador Programme takes this engagement further, mentoring young people to lead projects in their communities and participate in environmental decision-making at local and national levels. AFC's pioneering Intergenerational Action Sites, like the Penpont Project, put young people at the forefront of landscape-scale nature restoration initiatives, working alongside farmers, landowners, and scientists.

Recent achievements

  • Launched new annual delivery model for WildED Programme, reaching over 1,300 students across 150+ workshops in 2023
  • Expanded Intergenerational Action Sites to include projects in Bristol and the Peak District, in addition to the flagship Penpont Project
  • Successfully advocated for greater youth representation in environmental decision-making, influencing national policy discussions
  • Developed and piloted new 'inspiration days' within WildED Programme, enhancing practical conservation experiences for participants

In numbers

  • 2,000 acres of land under youth-led restoration through the Penpont Project
  • 260 student-led environmental change projects completed in 2023
  • 32 active youth volunteers contributing to AFC's mission

Affected lives

In the heart of the Brecon Beacons National Park, the Penpont Project stands as a testament to AFC's innovative approach. Here, a group of 20 young people aged 12-18 from diverse backgrounds are leading a pioneering intergenerational nature restoration project across 2,000 acres. Working alongside farmers, landowners, and conservation experts, these young leaders are not just learning about ecosystem restoration; they're actively shaping the future of the landscape. Their work has led to the reintroduction of native species, the restoration of wetland habitats, and the implementation of sustainable farming practices. Beyond the ecological impact, the project has transformed the lives of its young participants, many of whom come from urban areas with limited access to nature. It has built their confidence, developed their leadership skills, and inspired career paths in conservation and environmental science. The Penpont Project serves as a model for youth-led conservation, demonstrating how empowering young people can lead to innovative solutions for both nature and communities.


Action for Conservation's team is a dynamic blend of young environmental professionals and experienced educators, led by founder and CEO Hendrikus van Hensbergen, whose background in government policy and evolutionary biology brings a unique perspective to youth engagement in conservation. The team includes individuals with diverse expertise in environmental education, community outreach, and conservation science. With a leadership that reflects the youth they serve, AFC benefits from fresh, innovative approaches to environmental challenges. The organisation's board is well-balanced in terms of gender and includes young trustees, ensuring that youth perspectives are represented at the highest level of decision-making. This combination of youthful energy and seasoned experience positions AFC uniquely to bridge the gap between young people and the environmental sector, fostering a new generation of conservation leaders equipped to tackle the pressing ecological challenges of our time.




ClientEarth is a pioneering environmental law charity that uses the power of the law to protect life on Earth. With the planet facing unprecedented challenges - from climate change and deforestation to plastic pollution and species extinction - ClientEarth works across borders, systems, and sectors to drive transformational change. They aim to create a future in which people and planet thrive together by strengthening environmental laws, ensuring they are enforced, and empowering people to defend their rights to a healthy environment.

How they do it

ClientEarth takes a systemic approach to environmental protection. They work to strengthen the entire legal system - from influencing how laws are written to ensuring they are properly applied and enforced by courts and regulators. The charity supports communities most affected by environmental degradation, ensuring they can participate in decision-making and access justice when laws are broken. ClientEarth also works to align economic and financial systems with environmental goals, shifting incentives and finance flows to drive necessary change.

Recent achievements

  • This year ClientEarth has secured two major victories: winning a landmark case against the UK government over its inadequate climate strategy and supporting Dutch campaigners in a successful case against KLM's greenwashing practices.
  • In 2023, the charity achieved significant milestones, including winning its first-ever agricultural case in Italy to protect citizens and the iconic Lake Vico from intensive farming pollution and filing a legal complaint against US-based agricultural giant Cargill over its contribution to soy-driven deforestation and human rights violations in Brazil.
  • 2022 saw ClientEarth launch a pioneering legal case against Shell's Board of Directors, seeking to hold them personally liable for failing to manage climate risk and prepare for a net zero future, while also joining legal action against TotalEnergies over the company's misleading advertising and greenwashing practices.
  • In 2021, after a 13-year-long fight, ClientEarth won the right for all people to challenge the EU in court on decisions that break environmental law, and launched the Greenwashing Files, investigating and exposing the misleading advertising claims of some of the world's biggest fossil fuel companies.

In numbers

  • Working in over 60 countries around the world
  • 140+ active cases tackling pressing environmental challenges
  • 300+ staff across 8 global offices
  • 1,500+ judges trained in environmental law in China alone

Affected lives

In the heart of Europe lies the Białowieża Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site and the last remaining primeval forest in the EU. This ancient woodland, straddling the border between Poland and Belarus, is home to countless endangered species, including the European bison and the three-toed woodpecker. When the Polish government tripled logging quotas in the forest in 2016, ClientEarth sprang into action. They lodged a complaint with the European Commission, arguing that the decision violated EU conservation law. The case eventually reached the Court of Justice of the EU, which issued a ban on logging and threatened Poland with fines of €100,000 per day for non-compliance. ClientEarth's tireless efforts, alongside grassroots resistance from Polish citizens and international NGOs, helped protect this irreplaceable ecosystem. For the communities living in harmony with Białowieża and the countless species that call it home, ClientEarth's work was a lifeline, ensuring that this ancient forest remains a bastion of biodiversity for generations to come.


ClientEarth's team is a diverse and talented group of individuals committed to protecting life on Earth. The charity's legal experts come from a wide range of countries and jurisdictions, enabling ClientEarth to effectively navigate complex environmental challenges across different legal systems and cultures. The Global Board of Trustees brings a wealth of experience and perspectives, with members spanning a range of ages. The executive team, led by a group of dedicated and skilled women, is well-equipped to steer the organization towards its mission. With this international and multi-disciplinary team, ClientEarth is well-positioned to drive systemic change and build a future in which people and planet thrive together.

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