Rainforest Trust UK
·GlobalIt’s a well-known fact that rainforests are hotspots for biodiversity, teeming with endangered wildlife. They also play a vital role in storing and sequestering vast quantities of carbon from our atmosphere. But despite this, it’s estimated that 70,000 acres of rainforest are destroyed every day for logging, agricultural, mining and development purposes.
Rainforest Trust UK works in partnership with Rainforest Trust in the US to protect these incredible ecosystems. To date Rainforest Trust has protected over 37 million acres, and aims to protect another 125 million acres by 2025. At the crux of the organisation’s approach is land acquisition. By converting threatened land into private reserves, national parks and community managed areas, they’re able to leave the rainforest untouched as vital habitat for endangered species and protection against climate change.
Why we think they’re great
We’re right behind Rainforest Trust's bottom-up approach, as they always work in partnership with trusted local NGOs and indigenous communities. In doing so they’ve created a sustainable model which respects not only the rainforests, but also the communities who call them home.
Other selected causes:
💨 Carbon Reduction
If we want to sustain life on this planet we need to cut our carbon emissions, while also dealing with the excess of carbon in our atmosphere already wreaking havoc on our climate. Science is leading the way in this field and there are some exciting innovations.
🐋 Marine Conservation
The ocean is a total powerhouse when it comes to regulating the Earth’s climate, yet human actions have wreaked havoc on marine ecosystems. In order to rebalance our planet, we must protect our oceans and revolutionise the way we fish, the world over.
🌲 Forest Conservation
Forests are home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity and store vast quantities of carbon, but 75,000 acres are being destroyed every day by logging, poaching and agriculture.
🌞 Climate Resilience
Poverty and climate change are cruelly interlinked and this is especially true when you look at access to clean energy and water. Projects that champion clean energy solutions and which work to create climate-resilient communities are an integral part of the fight to save our planet.
🥕 Food & Agriculture
Food, agriculture and the climate crisis are inextricably linked. Fortunately there are sustainable food organisations and forward thinking farmers out there fighting for positive change. These are the people we need to get behind.
📚 Education & Advocacy
Don’t underestimate the power of a well informed public - this puts pressure on governments and businesses, and that drives change. These organisations are enabling systemic change among the mainstream by educating and challenging the status quo.

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