Climate Resilience

Access to water and energy are two vital rights that many of us take for granted. But 600 million people in sub-Saharan Africa have no access to electricity and more than 650 million people worldwide don't have access to safe water.

These facts are made even more alarming when you realise how poverty and climate change are cruelly interlinked. One consequence of global warming is the process of desertification, whereby fertile land turns to desert, devoid of water. The repercussions of desertification are unsurprisingly catastrophic for the people and various species who call these areas home.

In other areas, it’s the lack of access to clean energy which creates a reliance on environmentally harmful energy sources such as kerosene lamps which emit toxic smoke and black carbon, a significant contributor to global warming.

In order to simultaneously protect our planet and our people, we must invest in projects that champion clean energy solutions, and which work together with communities, empowering people to become more climate-resilient.

2 Selected Charities

Tythe supports these Climate Resilience charities, selected by analysts at Giving is Great because of their high impact.

Sand Dams Worldwide

Sand Dams Worldwide


Contrary to what the climate naysayers would have us believe, the effects of climate change are already being felt. No more so than in areas of the world where a rapidly changing climate is turning fertile land to desert. According to Sand Dams Worldwide, it's estimated 50 million people could be displaced by 2030 as a result of desertification.

Sand Dams Worldwide is an initiative working with dryland communities across Africa and India to achieve water and food security through soil and water conservation, all enabled by sand dams - a simple, low-cost rainwater harvesting technology.

If managed well, with the help of sustainable farming practices, drylands can become fertile, capable of supporting habitats, crops and livestock. In turn, that environment - the trees, the crops, the soil itself - plays a vital role in the carbon cycle and ultimately in mitigating climate change.

Why we think they're great

Sand Dams Worldwide are ambitious and that's clearly what's needed here. To date they have built 1,174 sand dams across ten countries, providing over a million people with access to clean water for life. Their goal now is to work in collaboration with other organisations, pledging to build 1 million sand dams for 0.5 billion people by 2040.




SolarAid is a pioneering charity dedicated to combating poverty and climate change in sub-Saharan Africa through the power of solar energy. With nearly 600 million people in the region lacking access to electricity, SolarAid's mission is crucial. When darkness falls, families are forced to rely on dangerous and expensive alternatives like kerosene lamps, which not only pose health risks but also contribute to environmental degradation. SolarAid aims to light up every home, school, and clinic in sub-Saharan Africa by 2030, using clean, safe solar power. This mission is not just about providing light; it's about creating opportunities for education, improving health outcomes, and fostering economic growth in some of the world's most vulnerable communities.

How they do it

SolarAid operates through its social enterprise, SunnyMoney, which sells solar lights and systems in rural African communities. This innovative "trade not aid" approach ensures sustainability by creating local markets and jobs. SolarAid travels to remote areas, educates people about solar benefits, builds trust, and stimulates demand. For those unable to afford solar products outright, SolarAid pioneers innovative solutions like pay-as-you-go services. The charity also trains local entrepreneurs and technicians, ensuring long-term sustainability and community ownership. Through programs like "Light a Village" and "Light Libraries," SolarAid is constantly developing new ways to bring solar power to the most remote and impoverished areas.

Recent achievements

  • In 2024, SolarAid won the International Aid and Development category at the UK's Charity Awards for its "Light a Village" project in Malawi.
  • The "Light a Village" pilot in Kasakula, Malawi, has installed 4,000 solar home systems, benefiting 99% of residents and bringing light to all 12 schools in the area.
  • SolarAid launched a new project in Madagascar, bringing solar power to 46 schools across 8 regions, benefiting nearly 10,000 students.
  • SunnyMoney Zambia won the 60 Decibels Energy Top Impact Award in March 2024, with SunnyMoney Malawi as the runner-up.

In numbers

  • 2.3 million solar lights distributed globally
  • 12.5 million lives brightened by safe, renewable light
  • $300 saved annually by each recipient family
  • 2,400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions averted

Affected lives

In the remote village of Kasakula, Malawi, SolarAid's "Light a Village" project has illuminated an entire community, transforming daily life for its residents. Children, once limited by the setting sun, now have extended study hours, significantly boosting their educational prospects. Parents can work longer and more productively in the evenings, increasing household incomes and opportunities. Local clinics operate more efficiently at night, improving healthcare delivery, particularly for expectant mothers who no longer fear giving birth in darkness. The village's economic landscape has also evolved, with local entrepreneurs flourishing as they harness solar power for their businesses. Solar technicians have emerged as a new profession, providing maintenance services and creating additional employment opportunities. This holistic community transformation showcases how access to clean, affordable energy can uplift entire villages, creating a ripple effect of positive change that spans generations and touches every aspect of rural life, from education and health to economic development and environmental sustainability.


SolarAid's team is a dynamic blend of passionate individuals with diverse backgrounds in renewable energy, international development, and social entrepreneurship. CEO John Keane brings over a decade of experience in the off-grid solar sector, having witnessed firsthand the challenges of life without electricity in rural Tanzania. The leadership team includes experienced professionals like Brave Mhonie, General Manager in Malawi, who brings valuable insights from his years of educating communities about renewable energy. With a board that's well-diversified in terms of age and gender, SolarAid benefits from a range of perspectives. This combination of global experience and on-the-ground knowledge positions the team uniquely to drive innovation in solar energy access and create lasting impact in sub-Saharan Africa.

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